096 RR Topaz with Alex Gaynor

The Ruby Rogues show

Summary: Panel Alex Gaynor (twitter github blog) Katrina Owen (twitter github blog) James Edward Gray (twitter github blog) Josh Susser (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:30 - Alex Gaynor Introduction Rdio Topaz Python 01:54 - Combining Python and Ruby Announcing Topaz: A New Ruby - Topaz 0.1 documentation RPython PyPy DJango 05:57 - Websites that run on DJango addons.mozilla.org/ DISQUS 06:38 - Running Topaz Squeak ANSI C 09:15 - TopazWroclove2013: Tim Felgentreff Maglev 13:44 - Compilation Errors 15:10 - Integration with Ruby RubySpec Rubinius lib-topaz 17:47 - Performance and Benchmarking 20:52 - Global Interpreter Lock Waiting to implement features 23:26 - Design Goals Simplicity Performance 26:10 - Worst Part of the Ruby Language Complexity of constant lookups Number of different scopes 28:40 - Why Python, Ruby, and Javascript are Slow by Alex Gaynor 35:16 - Where is Topaz now/Where will it be in the future? Pull requests FFI Targeting specs PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) 44:20 - Ruby features that people use wrong 46:23 - Blocks Picks Tattoo yourself with electronic circuits - Crave Culture (Katrina) iTextEditors - iPhone and iPad text/code editors and writing tools compared (James) Textastic (James) Nebulous Notes (James) The Top 25 iPhone and iPad Games - IGN (James) The Best 50 iOS Games of 2012 | Slide To Play (James) Outwitters (James) rumblelabs / asset_sync (Josh) Powers Bureau Comic (Josh) strftimer (Josh) Synergy (Chuck) astrails / safe (Chuck) Fair Play by Steven E. Landsburg (Alex) Werkzeug (The Python WSGI Utility Library) (Alex) Gender Through the Prism of Difference by Michael A. Messner (Alex) Book Club Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler: You have one week left to finish it! Yay! Next Week Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture with Martin Fowler Transcript JOSH:  And I'm also drinking my coffee from an Aperture Science mug. JAMES:  Wow! JOSH:  Yeah. JAMES:  Wow! Alright, you win! You're the geekiest! JOSH:  [Chuckles] Well, right now. JAMES:  [Chuckles] Yeah, right now. [Hosting and bandwidth provided by the Blue Box Group. Check them out at BlueBox.net.]  [This podcast is sponsored by New Relic. To track and optimize your application performance, go to RubyRogues.com/NewRelic.]  CHUCK:  Hey everybody and welcome to Episode 96 of the Ruby Rogues podcast. This week on our panel, we have Katrina Owen. KATRINA:  Hello from Denver. CHUCK:  James Edward Gray. JAMES:  It’s time to take off your gem-crested boots and put on your hat with that cool slick thing. CHUCK:  Josh Susser. JOSH:  Next time, make me go first because I never know how to follow anybody anymore. [Laughter] CHUCK:  Especially with gem-crested boots and a hat band, right? JOSH:  Yeah, I don’t even know where that came from. [Laughter] JOSH:  But good morning! CHUCK:  I’m Charles Max Wood from DevChat.tv. And this week, we have a special guest. And that’s Alex Gaynor. ALEX:  Hi! I was not told I need clever introductions. JAMES:  [Laughs] Well, you came up with one anyway. JOSH:  Alex, I've been doing this for over a year and I still don’t have one. CHUCK:  [Laughs] So, you want to introduce your self really quickly, Alex? ALEX:  Sure. So, my name is Alex. I live in San Francisco. I am primarily a Python programmer. I work for a company called Rdio.com. We do streaming Internet music. And I guess I'm here because I wrote a thing called Topaz which is a Ruby VM written in Python. JAMES:  [Chuckles] So, I guess the obvious question to follow is, why? JOSH:  [Laughs] ALEX:  Well, first and foremost, because it was a lot of fun.