The Ultimate Sacrifice Sermon Jam

The Flipside Podcast with Joshua Tongol show

Summary: Concerning this video, I no longer hold to the PENAL SUBSTITUTIONARY THEORY/LEGAL VIEW of the atonement which says that God poured out all of His wrath on Jesus Christ in order to satisfy His justice. Many have listened to my sermons online or have come to hear me preach. However, throughout the years, I've come to a better understanding of God's love and grace. Thus, one may notice an inconsistency with some of my messages concerning miracles and the grace of God. (I used to be skeptical towards the miraculous and very big on preaching  the law.) My theology is constantly being developed and I am humbled by what the Lord is teaching me because I've had to unlearn and learn many things. These days, much of my theology is clearly linked to Trinitarian theology. I just wanted to share this with you all as I continue to grow in the knowledge and understanding of God's love and grace. Background music ("I Have a Dream") produced by AlphaBeatProductions - E-Mail: alphabeatproductions@gmx. ne