How To Make More Profit This Week

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: In today's episode:00:12 - The first step to boosting your profit is _____ 01:04 - Today's action stepBecome a part of SuperFastBusiness Join SilverCircle when it reopensTranscription:James Schramko here with a really profitable business tip. You see, there are three things that I know that can really boost your bottom line profit and I’m going to talk about one of them right now.The First Step To Boosting Your Profit Is… So, here is the first thing you can do to really boost your profit and that is to take whatever product lineup you have and add something on top. There’s always a customer who wants to spend the most they can with you. They trust you, they like you, they want to do more and if you just add a product on top – a higher-priced product with a bigger profit margin, there will be customers you already have who are ready to go for that. So that is the simplest, easiest way to increase your profit.Start with the highest profit product and then build in the lower-priced products later. And if you’re starting out, then go for that higher priced product first.Get More Tips  If you want to learn more about this, I cover it in my product called Wealthification which is available inside SuperFastBusiness and also’s Action Step So, I hope you’ve found this tip helpful. The action step today is to go and add a product over the top of your highest current. Come back and report the results to me.I’m James Schramko and I would love to hear from you.Accomplish today’s action step and feel free to leave your comments below.