Battlefield: SEVRPOD #2 - The Vampire Battle of 1987: The Lost Boys VS Near Dark

The Marc and Ken Video Store Podcast show

Summary: Lets get ready to mumble! The drought is over as the Super Evil Vampire Robot Podcast of Doom is back with the 2nd Battlefield episode. We know you all have been thirsty for more of the violence that these Battlefield episodes bring (it’s pretend violence. Actually, it’s not really violence at all. Unless you find a slightly raised voice or a well timed rib violent. In which case this episode is probably not for you. Perhaps a G rated cooking show is more your speed…) and we at SEVRPOD always want to give you what you want. Host Dirty Dave Rodriguez emcees the festivities from his self made throne while he acts like the pretend king at Medieval Times. With him are two of the most vicious podcasters that have ever spoken into a microphone, Marc Rissmann and Ken “The Fancy Gentleman” Zuckerman. Together, they explore two movies who have such a level of hatred for each other that they came out in the same year just out of spite. The scrappy lesser known Near Dark vs. juggernaut The Lost Boys!Dave, Marc and Ken don’t just take a quick vote as to which they like better and then leave to go get ice cream (that would be an absolutely horrible episode). Nope, they go in depth in a variety of categories to determine a definitive winner. No split decisions here. 2 movies enter. 1 movie leaves with prizes that could only have been thought up by the SEVRPOD team. So click on the link soldier! That’s an order!