Where’s My Perry

Total iPad show

Summary: Where's My Perry is a fun physics-based puzzle game for the iPad, it is a Disney game from the makers of Where's My Water? Where's my Perry stars Agent P from the hit Disney T.V. show Phineas and Ferb. You can connect Where's My Perry to your Facebook account to share and compare your scores, Like levels or post screenshots of the game on your Facebook wall for your friends and family to see. Where's My Perry also uses Game Center and iCloud so you can bring your profile and stats to other iOS devices that are using the same Apple ID for iCloud. I originally bought this game for my daughter but after playing it with her for about 30 minutes I found myself really into the game, the puzzles got harder as I advanced and a few of them really made me think. It is a great game and if you are looking for something to do to pass time I highly recommend you checking it out. Features: 4 Levels 80 Puzzles Bonus Levels Free Updates   Download Where's My Perry: Where's My Perry? - Disney (Paid Version - $0.99) Where's My Perry? Free - Disney (Lite Version - Free)   Disney - Where's My Perry website Check the Where's My Water Facebook page for top-secret hints, tips and other classified materials.