Bernie Glassman: Bernie Glassman: 08-17-2013: Bearing Witness to the Oneness of Life (Part 1)

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Series Description: In this workshop Bernie will trace his evolution from the dharma hall to blighted urban streets. He will share the practices and principles he has developed to teach service as spiritual practice and to create sustainable, major service projects, such as the Greyston Foundation in Yonkers, NY. He will share the insights, revelations, personalities and personal experiences that have influenced his life and development. He will present some of his innovations, such as Bearing Witness Retreats, living on urban streets and gathering for a week at Auschwitz-Birkenau. He will talk about the future of socially engaged spiritual practice. Episode Description: In this Saturday morning session, Roshi Bernie opens by answering a couple of questions posed by the audience. "What is the most important element in bringing about change?" "What should you do if you don't know what to do?" Rejoice! Bernie then moves on to the main topic of the session, the Auschwitz retreats that he founded, lead and participated in for the past twenty years. He describes the history of Auschwitz and how the original retreat came to be. His vision for the retreat has been to include people from many different"clubs," and to build a container around the three tenants of the Zen Peacemakers: not knowing, bearing witness and loving action. He wanted the first day to be overwhelming. To be a plunge to get people into that state of not knowing. The teacher of the retreat is the place, Auschwitz, and that they must bear witness to the place. Bernie spends the remainder of the session describing a number of deeply moving, touching and thought provoking stories of loving action that arose out of not knowing and bearing witness. Teacher BIO: The founder of the Zen Peacemakers, Roshi Bernie Glassman, evolved from a traditional Zen Buddhist monastery-model practice to become a leading proponent of social engagement as spiritual practice. He is internationally recognized as a pioneer of Buddhism in the West and as a founder of Socially Engaged Buddhism and spiritually based Social Enterprise. He has proven to be one of the most creative forces in Western Buddhism, creating new paths, practices, liturgy and organizations to serve the people who fall between the cracks of society. To access the entire series, please click on the link below: Bearing Witness to the Oneness of Life Series: All 5 Parts