FA162 - Achieving Authenticity With Andy Gray

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: Because Being Yourself Isn’t Always Easy… We’re all guilty of putting on different masks for different social situations. But when it comes to our lives and businesses, how can we act and feel truly authentic? Meet Andy Gray, host of A Congruent Life, a show which is all about living authentically and the richness of life which that can bring. Andy has been fascinated by the stories of others who have lived through the common struggle of finding what we really want from life, and how best to achieve it. This week’s show is all about how you perceive yourself and how you want the world to perceive you. How can you put yourself in the right mindset to make your own, authentic choices to benefit your life and ultimately your business? What Is Authenticity, Anyway? Determining who we want to be. Escaping the ‘trap’ of past decisions and taking control of your future. Lifestyle design. Applying authenticity to our business lives. How real do we have to be?