Dealing With Life’s Most Difficult Challenges

The Mastermind Show show

Summary: Does Everything Happen For A Reason? with Sheila Pearl When you are in the midst of life’s most difficult challenges, a well-meaning friend or relative may say “everything happens for a reason…” and perhaps that gives you comfort and courage. Perhaps it is just that things happen. Period. Then…we each have a choice in how we respond to whatever happened, especially when it is something difficult and challenging. Whether or not the “reason” is a blessing or a curse is a choice: How anyone responds to adversity is a choice. In this interview Sheila discusses the questions and the actions that can help to create a blessing in the midst of difficult times. There are questions that empower and inspire, and there are actions which can shift our energy and perspective. Sheila is a life coach, bereavement counselor and a clinically-trained family therapist who has been in private practice for nearly 30 years in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area. She is the author of STILL LIFE: A Spiritual Handbook for Family Caregivers. In her chapter “Awful Gifts: Blessings in Disguise” Sheila tells the story of her experience in caring for her husband who struggled with Parkinson’s and dementia for several years, and describes the unexpected gifts and blessings which they both received during that difficult process.