Want to Host This Show?

Best of the Worst show

Summary: Well this has been the second time around for this podcast and once again this just isn't working for me. I have a loyal audience, but it requires a more frequent show (and right now I only do a show after so many votes, and it takes too long to get votes, etc). Interested in taking over? All you have to do is by the domain (I'll sell it to you for what I paid for it), and host it www.coolerwebsites.com ($2.00 a month) you can host the media files wherever (I recommend www.uselibsyn.com ) nbsp; 1. nbsp;Feedburner Stats Figure 2. Stats from Podshow.comnbsp; I will also show you the secret link I have to LOTs of content. nbsp;Let me know. 888-563-3228 or 243-542-0893 nbsp;Dave Jackson Best of the Worst Podcast www.bestoftheworstpodcast.com