Ep. 95 – The Die Hard Legacy

Geek Revolution Radio show

Summary: On this weeks show, we officially induct Johnny into our fellowship of geekhood and make him a full time cohost.  Will started out the show talking about the search for a great burger.  There was much discussion about where that burger is in SLC.  Where is that burger in your home town?  We want to know. They moved on from burger talk to more pressing issues, and that is the messed up process for ticket purchase of Comic-Con passes.  During our "Airing of Grievance" Ryan really hammered the leadership of Comic-Con .  Is it time the 'Con' moves to Vegas?  Ryan definitely laid out a better solution while venting of his lack of tickets to San Diego. They closed out the show talking about the Die Hard series, talking about the movies we love and the ones that shouldn't have been made.  The original Die Hard will always be a classic, but he others aren't all a waste.  Much debate was had over which is the worst and which was the best following the original. They then discussed the new movie A Good Day to Die Hard, which was an absolute waste.  Save your money folks, which was a below average film with overly done action sequences and poor acting.  Although Bruce Will is may be an icon, he is also heading down the path Nicolas Cage is on.