SPECIAL: The Walking Dead Weekly Review “I Ain’t a Judas”

Geek Revolution Radio show

Summary: On this weeks review of the Walking Dead, Ryan, Will, Ben and Johnny discuss this weeks episode "I Ain't a Judas".  With the conditions at the prison growing grave and tensions growing between Andrea and the Governor, this episode was full of drama.  With the reintroduction of Merle to the prison group and the devastating attack from the week before, this episode was full of tension and angry people. The guys also talking about the ever popular thery by Will that someone on the show is getting raped and someone is getting a hand cut off.  Like in the comic book, when Rick and Michonne go back to Woodbury, the two scenarios happen.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out. They also discuss who the "Judas" is, referring to the title of the episode.  Is it Andrea? is it Merle?  What do you think?