D P BuZZ - August 22, 2013

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p> Join Larry Jordan and co-host Michael Horton as they talk with:</p> <p> Diana Thater, Artist, Diana Thater Studio</p> <p> Diana Thater, of Diana Thater Studio, is an artist that specializes in creating videos for museums and other public venues. She shoots and edits her own work, which can often take months or years to produce. Some of her most recent projects include Chernobyl, a study of the effects of the nuclear disaster in Russia. This week, we talk with her about how she creates her video and the challenges of shooting video in a very hostile environment.</p> <p> Jonathan Laurence, Artist</p> <p> Jonathan Laurence is an artist, Mainer, adventurer, and uncle. His first career was as a professional snowboarder. Then, he spent a year living in the desert. But his first love was motion graphics and video. This week, he joins us to talk about the exploding trend of iPhone video and photography. Does this herald the death of civilization as we know it? Jonathan has an interesting perspective on the emerging world of new age art.</p> <p> Nancy Wilhelms, Executive Director, Anderson Ranch Arts Center</p> <p> Nancy Wilhelms is the executive director of the Anderson Ranch Arts Center, in Aspen, Colorado. Founded in the mid-1970′s, the ranch is a retreat and training center for both the fine arts – such as sculpture and painting -and crafts, such as furniture design, wood-turning, ceramics, print-making and photography. This week, and last, The Buzz has been exploring the intersection of art and technology. This week, we hear from Nancy about why The Ranch is so important to both.</p> <p> David Ellsworth, Studio Wood-Turner, Ellsworth Studios</p> <p> David Ellsworth is a studio wood-turner at Ellsworth Studios in rural Pennsylvania. He is the former president of the American Association of Wood-Turners, and its first Honorary Life Member. Now why, you may ask, are we interviewing David? First, because the quality of his art is beyond stunning. But, even more, because of his thoughts on creativity and the creative process. Whether you work in video, or wood, you’ll find David’s thoughts an inspiration.</p> <p> The Buzz is all the information you need now to know what’s coming next! </p>