Episode 63 »» Simplifying Workflow - Shutter Time With Sid and Mac | Photography Podcast

Shutter Time With Sid and Mac | Photography Podcast show

Summary: New rumours of Sony full frame mirrorless NEX system, have us asking a question is full frame cameras a sort of a holy grail of photographic gear. Also again unsuccessfully we try to tie in a talk about tripod heads to our main discussion of how to simplify your photographic workflow. Please feel free to send us any feedback or questions using the 'Contact Us' tab at the top of our website, http://shuttertimewithsidandmac.com, or send us a Tweet or message on Facebook ... We love receiving feedback and we'd love to answer any questions you may have on the show, as well as suggestions for future topics! Please don't forget to subscribe via iTunes and if you love the show, please give us a rating or review so we can be easily found by others on iTunes by keeping us on the first few pages of shows!