PaleoJay podcast #44 Hire your own Paleo guru, or become your own- and Give your body a fresh oil change- daily!

PALEO JAY Smoothie Cafe show

Summary: Paleojay podcast #44Hire your own Paleo template guru, or become your ownGive your body a fresh oil change- daily!All of us need to be very cognizant of what we are doing, in this day and age about our own health, and that of our families! It is a very strange time, in that we don’t even know anymore what we should eat- hint- real food- and we are inundated with bad dietary, lifestyle, and fitness ideas constantly. In addition, we have received these utterly wrong messages about eating lots of whole grain products, vegetable oils instead of real, honest to God-made fats like coconut, pastured animal fat, and grass fed dairy products- constantly, many of us since birth! If you were born after 1980, you have been taught a line of BULL for your entire life.Only now, with the interest in the Paleo, Primal, Ancestral, Barbarian template for natural human living and eating, is the truth beginning to come out. Thanks to the internet, and recent technologies like smartphones and computers, real science backed ideas, like that of evolutionary biology, can be widely disseminated and spread to anyone who takes an interest...And that is what I want to mention to you, my favorite listener, today- If you are too busy, or just don’t want to, or cannot make your health a matter of top priority in your life, well then you need to find someone who can, and will help you in this vital matter!Being truly fit and healthy is not something optional; without your health in balance nothing else in your life is worth anything. Strong words, I know, but think about it:Let’s say you have millions upon millions of dollars, but you are getting fatter year by year, you sleep badly, you have brain fog much of the time, you have lots of creeping ailments like severe headaches, stomach problems, acid reflux, high blood pressure, perhaps an autoimmune disease like arthritis... or maybe you have developed cancer or heart disease! What good are your millions in the face of this deterioration of health? Fixating on money is the goal of most modern Americans; I would suggest fixating on health first.Here is where a good health coach, someone who has really researched what real, honest to God health, Ancestral/Paleo type of real, natural, robust, non-drug propped up to keep you barely alive existence but real health really is! Whew- what a mouthful-But truly, it is vital that you know how and what to do to be healthy. And the truth is, in today’s world where all the old handed down wisdom of our ancestors has been tossed aside and replaced with pseudo- science- it takes a lot of learning to get back up to speed with what humans figured out over eons. So, follow along with me, your ever-faithful PaleoJay- I will give you condensed versions of what to do, each week on my paleojay podcast, in the pages of my blog, and soon I plan to do a series of videos...All of this is meant to help you and yours find your way to the serious business of HEALTH.But, I know many folks won’t, or can’t become their own guides to health. Many are just too busy, and some are just too overwhelmed by all the mountains of data to plow through, many of which are wrong paths and deadends. If this is you, or you are currently diagnosed with High Cholesterol, and your medical Dr. wants to put you on a statin drug- RUN, don’t walk, to Chris Kresser’s High Cholesterol Action Plan! In this detailed summary of ALL the current science on the subject, Chris, your new health coach, will have you knowing MORE than your M.D. in short order. Go to the sidebar of, and there is a link to take you to Chris and his High Cholesterol Action Plan. Chris knows more about nutrition and drug interaction than just about anybody, and he has put together several courses to educate you, easily, through video, mp3’s, and written material as well so that you will know exactly what to do to