Podcast 112 — Pacific Rim, The Wolverine, Sharknado, Jug Face & Aftershock

The Horror Movie Show show

Summary: A fishy whirlwind of summer movies Good day, folks! To crib from the great Firesign Theatre, we're back from the shadows again. This episode of The Horror Movie Show is chockablock with reviews of new movies, including the surprisingly entertaining Pacific Rim. Apart from the thrills & spills of its over-the-top action, it can be considered a winner among summer blockbusters simply because it is not a sequel. Your hapless hosts Mark & Jerry also claw their way through a review of The Wolverine, latest in the ever-growing series of flicks based on Marvel Comic's X-Men characters. Can't wait for the release of the movie based on The Acorn, the superhero whose power is being able to turn himself into food for squirrels. It should be terrific. And yes, of course, we take a brief glimpse at Sharknado, a Syfy movie so amazingly stupid that it became an instant buzzword for movies that are stupid. Following that is a bit of chitchat about Jug Face, one of the most original fright-flicks of the last year. Fresh, weird & entertaining, it is a winner. Jerry & Mark seem genuinely pleased to recommend this hillbilly horror. Finally, the show concludes with Aftershock, the Eli Roth-driven feature that makes the old Irwin Allen disaster movies look like large, gooey pieces of delicious chocolate cake. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires & psychotic murderers on the loose all conspire to make this one crazy South American adventure. So ram those earbuds deeply into the holes on the sides of your head, crank up the volume & drown out the sound of that diesel truck bearing down on you. Happy summer!