Episode 51: Integrating Paleo into School

The Paleo View show

Summary: Our fiftieth show! Ep. 51: Integrating Paleo into School In this episode, Stacy and Sarah share parenting advice on how to transition your kids to paleo. They provide tips on setting expectations at school, packing lunches, empowering your kids to make healthy food choices, and more.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 51: Integrating Paleo into School 0:00 - Introduction 1:19 - News Views Sarah is back in the states! She is happy to be home, is back on her treadmill desk, and is also fighting a cold Stacy is feeling great and is loving the awesome energy her boys have been sharing lately Stacy went up to Pittsburgh this last weekend with Amy for Hayley's bridal shower and it was incredibly classy - all the food was from her recipe books, which was such a loving thing to do The hosts of the party also created a newlywed game with per-recorded answers from Bill, which was very sweet and a cool twist on traditional bridal shower games Stacy also got to work out in Pork Belly Fitness, which is Bill and Hayley's garage gym Sarah wants to know from Stacy, her pork expert, if she can use a salt and sugar cure to make bacon or does she have to smoke it? Stacy notes that without smoking the belly it won't taste like bacon, but Sarah could easily make a smoker following the instructions on how to make a homemade smoker from Beyond Bacon Stacy recommends that if Sarah doesn't want to make the smoker she should use the Cracklin' Pork Belly recipe from Beyond Bacon - Stacy wouldn't cure it if she isn't going to smoke it, she would braise it Mickey from Autoimmune Paleo has a video on how to make the smoker from Beyond Bacon In this week's show Stacy and Sarah are going to answer some questions that are representative of a general topic and questions they get frequently - if they don't specifically address your question, please don't let your feelings be hurt, there are a lot of questions that come in Stacy and Sarah polled the Paleo Parents Facebook page to see what folks most wanted to discuss this week, and the common theme was people wanting to hear about preparing for schools, handling the holidays, and dealing with difficult times - a practical show filled with a lot of tips Next week will be the 'Best Of', 1 year anniversary show School lunches was the first topic of The Paleo View, so it is fitting to circle back on the subject a year later Sarah's oldest daughter started school the Wednesday before the podcast went live and Sarah had the meet-up with the teacher to outline her daughter's dietary requirements Last year Sarah felt like she was making up the system as she went along, but this year she feels like she has the system down for how to approach the whole 'this is how my daughter eats' discussion When Stacy was on The Science of Slim recently she chatted with Jonathan Bailor about the importance of empowering your children, and the same principles from that discussion apply on how to prepare your kids for making their own choices while at school, parties, etc. Stacy reminds folks that this process takes time, just like it does for adults, your kid has to learn how to adapt their life in their own time Sarah notes that it has been a long road to reach the point where a Larabar serves as a "treat" for her kids, they took it in baby steps and stayed persistent 19:16 - Science with Sarah In this week's show Sarah wants to revisit one of the basic principles of the paleo diet to discuss saponins Saponins are a chemical that have detergent like properties, meaning they can naturally make oil and water mix They are naturally found in all plants, and this is where you hear folks say we shouldn't eat xyz because they contain saponins Just like lectins are a broad class of proteins, the same is true with saponins - some are perfectly safe to consume and some can be problematic and trigger gut problems Some saponins may be necessary to aid in our digestion and absorption of nutrition from our food These "good"