Quasi, Fruit Bats, and Helio Sequence

Air-Raid show

Summary: <p>This week Aaron presents three amazing discussions from TIMBER! Music Festival. Janet Weiss and Sam Coomes of <a href="http://www.theequasi.com/">Quasi</a> join in to chat about how Janet is apparently a natural at the drums. Eric Johnson of <a href="http://fruitbatsmusic.com/">Fruit Bats</a> tells us why he chooses not to wear shorts... ever. And Brandon Summers of <a href="http://www.heliosequence.com/">Helio Sequence</a> talks about raising two daughters while being on the road.</p> <p>Music Featured In This Week's Episode: <a href="http://www.theequasi.com/">QUASI</a>, <a href="http://fruitbatsmusic.com/">FRUIT BATS</a>, <a href="http://www.heliosequence.com/">HELIO SEQUENCE</a></p>