Early Biography of The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem #120


Summary: Today's show is dedicated to The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem. If you love Celtic music and you're not familiar with the group, you're missing out. They are one of the reasons <a href="http://celticamericanmusic.com/">Gunns &amp; Drums</a> is recording an album called "How America Saved Irish Music". They're a shining example. Once again, the show is suffering from some technical difficulties. I hope you will bare with me as I work out all of the details to offer you an awesome live show. This audio recording is filled with clicks. The alternative is you can listen to the show on YouTube, however, the audio quality there is horrible too. So pick one and decide which is the lesser of two evils. Again, my apologies. I hoep you enjoy the show nonetheless. I will be back next Tuesday morning for the next live show. Oh! And if you have questions or comments, please <a href="http://pubsong.com/120-the-clancy-brothers-and-tommy-makem-early-biography/">post them in the shownotes</a>, or on the YouTube channel. I want to hear your comments. You can also help me choose which song to play in the next show. News: <a href="http://celtophilia.com/">Celtophilia</a> mailed out Hoodies this week. I'd love some pics! <a href="http://celticmusic.org/2013/autoharp-string-bracelet/">A couple more broken strings</a> this week from The Summit and then the Pepper Place Farmer's Market. Irish House this weekend with Gunns &amp; Drums <a href="http://marcgunn.com/gencon/">GenCon</a> shows almost sold out Schedule nearly finalized for <a href="http://marcgunn.com/dragoncon/">DragonCon</a> New business cards <a href="http://celticmusic.org/2011/memories-of-middle-earth/">Memories of Middle Earth </a>remastered, 10 year anniversary of recording <a href="http://songhenge.com/">Met a new Song Henger, Marshall</a> Find out more about <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Clancy_Brothers">The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem on Wikipedia</a> <a href="http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/marcgunn/from/celtic/"></a> Music: "I'll Drink From Dusk Til Dawn" "Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye" "The Parting Glass"   4 Ways to Support the Pub Songs Podcast If this show entertained, you can return the favor after listening to each show: Buy Marc a Pint! <a href="http://pubsong.com/donate/">Donate Today</a>, Buy one of <a href="http://celticmusic.org/buy-cds/marc-gunn-cds/">Marc Gunn's CDs</a>, Support the artists in the show and the podcast when you buy through my affiliates at <a href="http://cdbaby.com/from/celtic/">CDBaby</a>, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/&amp;tag=thebards">amazon</a>, or <a href="http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=c6hYXiumyAg&amp;subid=&amp;offerid=146261.1&amp;type=10&amp;tmpid=5573&amp;RD_PARM1=http%3A%2F%2Fitunes.apple.com%2Fus%2Falbum%2Firish-celtic-music%2Fid520704168">iTunes</a>. <a href="http://marcgunn.net/">Become a Patron of the Arts for Marc Gunn</a>.