JCHC Slam and Dance Show :Guest: Lee Haley of One Bad Pig


Summary: Welcome to the JCHC SLAM AND DANCE SHOW hosted by Donovan de Necker from South Africa. This show is dedicated to playing hard musicĀ  from bands all over the world. It also features interviews with bands and individuals within the Christian hard music scene and the ministry or mission work that they do within that scene. We play punk, rock, rockabilly, metal, hardcore, ska, oi, AOR, and more, though in essence mainly due to my involvement in the punk and hardcore Christian music scene, you'll hear a lot of that on this show. This show's guest is a long time friend, Lee Haley, his the lead guitarist for ONE BAD PIG and THE BAND IN BLACK, he shares a bit on himself and the bands he is a member of. GET THE GROK RADIO APP! FREE For your i-phone/Pad, Android smartphones and Tablets! http://grokradio.conduitapps.com/landing/