Upper Intermediate #5 - What Kind of Hong Kong Apartment Would You Like?

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A:我嘅租約下個月到期,我打算換個地方住。你有冇朋友有屋出租啊? B:你對間屋有乜要求先? A:最好喺市中心,交通方便,近地鐵站。間屋唔使好大,四百呎,兩房一廳就差唔多啦。 B:你可以接受咩價位啊?我表哥嘅朋友有間可能啱你要求嘅屋要放。 A:唐樓定洋樓先? B:洋樓嚟㗎。喺二十六樓。不過唔平喔。 A:你明㗎啦,價錢梗係越低越好。不過如果地段唔錯,風景又幾好嘅話,貴少少都可以接受嘅。 B:咁我聽日打個電話俾佢,約好時間帶你去睇樓。 ----English---- A: The lease on my apartment will expire next month. I'm thinking about moving. Do you have any friends with an apartment to rent? B: Do you have any needs regarding the apartment? A: It would be the best if it's in downtown and easily accessible, and near the subway station. It doesn't have to be big, maybe 400 square feet; two rooms and one living room. B: How much can you afford? My cousin has a friend with a place that might work. A: Does it have an elevator? B: Yes, it's on the 26th floor, but it will cost you. A: Well, you know the cheaper the better. But if it's in a good location and has a view, well that's worth a little extra. B: Then I'll call him tomorrow and make an appointment for you seeing the place. ----Pinyin---- A: ngo5 ge3 zou1 joek3 haa6 go3 jyut6 dou3 kei4, ngo5 daa2 syun3 wun6 go3 dei6 fong1 zyu6. nei5 jau5 mou5 pang4 jau5 jau5 uk1 ceot1 zou1 aa3? B: nei5 deoi3 gaan1 uk1 jau5 mat1 jiu1 kau4 sin1? A: zeoi3 hou2 hai2 si2 zung1 sam1, gaau1 tung1 fong1 bin6, kan5 dei6 tit3 zaam6, gaan1 uk1 m4 sai2 hou2 daai6, sei3 baak3 cek3, loeng5 fong2 jat1 teng1 zau6 caa1 m4 do1 laa6. B: nei5 ho2 ji5 zip3 sau6 me1 gaa3 wai6 aa3? ngo5 biu2 go1 ge3 pang4 jau5 jau5 gaan1 ho2 nang4 aam1 nei5 jiu3 kau4 ge3 uk1 jiu3 fong3. A: tong4 lau2 ding6 joeng4 lau2 sin1? B: joeng4 lau2 lei4 gaa3. hai2 ji6 sap6 luk6 lau2. bat1 gwo3 m4 peng4 wo3. A: nei5 ming4 gaa3 laa1, gaa3 cin4 gang2 hai6 jyut6 dai1 jyut6 hou2. bat1 gwo3 jyu4 gwo2 dei6 dyun6 m4 co3, fung1 ging2 jau6 gei2 hou2 ge3 waa2, gwai3 siu2 siu2 dou1 ho2 ji5 zip3 sau6 ge2. B: gam2 ngo5 ting1 jat6 daa2 go3 din6 waa2 bei2 keoi5, joek3 hou2 si4 gaan33 daai3 nei5 heoi3 tai2 lau2. --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by CantoneseClass101.com for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!