Green Power And Wellness - 04/22/13

Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Hour show

Summary: WE GET TO SOLARTOPIA BY SHUTTING SAN ONOFRE as we begin with nuclear opponents Donna Gilmore and Michael Mariotte.  From southern California Donna tells us about the local battle to keep Units 2 3 permanently shut.  Michael speaks from the Nuclear Information Resource Service about how the Nuclear Regulatory Commission needs to be forced to stop giving out licenses to reactors that threaten us all. Then PAUL GIPE re-joins us to further explain the nuts and bolts of how Solartopian technology is re-shaping our world's energy system.  A true godfather of the renewable energy industry, Paul's iron grip on the nitty-gritties of the green transformation in Germany and elsewhere makes for an irreplaceable primer on how we must power a truly sustainable future.