009: Backups

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Summary: Followup: - Sam's Office365 email migration / Topics: - enlisting help from outside consultants; no one does things the way you do; importance of communicating with clients - social media for professionals; how to gain followers; who do you want to follow you? great way to get support from vendors; advice from Allen Hancock: want great followers, post nice things about vendors - ACN Locator Ratings and Reviews; Google Places, Google Plus - best mobile workstations: MacBook Air 11-inch vs. 13-inch; remote support from iPad - Tile: product for locating objects - Leap Motion: looks cool! - Backup: mirror vs. clone; examples of backup strategies: Time Machine, Carbon Copy Cloner, Archiware P5 (formerly PresSTORE), CrashPlan; the 3-2-1 rule of backup; is needing two forms of media an outmoded idea? reference: the DAM book by Peter Krough