018: Bright Primate, 10spd, Raddons

This Week In Chiptune show

Summary: July 31st 2013, Br1ght Pr1mate's album is on iTunes, I've got a bunch of gems from chipmusic.org and new songs from USK and Anamanaguchi! - - TRACKLIST - - NickTitle - Metrics Anamanaguchi - Who Let the Fatlip (endless fantasy tour intro) Bright Primate - SOURCE CODE Dualtrax & Artfx! - Super RobCo Disco Battle mills dj - drift USK - oh my rella !!! Bright Primate - Hypnotized Raddons - Body Language 10spd - Punchfight Whitely - IRON FIST (CHIPTUNE) nonU - aintgoodattitling Raddons - She's Got Heart and an Ass to Boot 10spd - EX Shift Bright Primate - Doppelganger City Bright Primate - Hibernate Kommisar - cosmo-bounce (first 2 minutes) Slayer - South of Heaven (Kenobit Remix) - - DOWNLOAD LINKS - - http://chipmusic.org/dualtrax/music/dualtrax--artfx!---super-robco-disco-battle http://chipmusic.org/thebitman/music/pon-pon-pon-2xlsdj http://chipmusic.org/monotron/music/skrillex---voltage-monotron-dirty-rom-remix http://chipmusic.org/kommisar/music/cosmo-bounce http://chipmusic.org/mills+dj/music/mills-dj---drift http://nicktitle.bandcamp.com/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/night-animals/id667592697 https://soundcloud.com/anamanaguchi/who-let-the-fatlip-endless