Beyond Extraordinary with Natalina – Episode One: So it Begins

Extraordinary Intelligence show

Summary: You've waited.  You've been patient.  You've worn the soles of your shoes bare with your toe tapping anticipation.  And now, FINALLY, it has arrived. This is the premier episode of Beyond Extraordinary with Natalina.  It is a little rough around the edges and there's no guest this week.   Just me and my thoughts.   I touch on the NSA scandal, the crossing of the "red line" by the Syrian army, and in a particularly controversial section, I discuss the Russian extremism laws that have recently made headlines.  For some reason, I was somewhat nervous during that portion of the show, so I lightened the mood with a bit of Soviet Red Army Choir music in the background. Leave it to Natalina. (I do recognize that a couple of places where I added background music, it was a little too loud.  I'm a noob.) Going forward, I'll attempt to post new shows every Friday, and I've got some great guests waiting in the wings.  Enjoy! Feel free to listen directly from this site, or click the download link to take Natalina with you!  Links to articles mentioned in the podcast can be seen below. Thanks to Dennis Rano of Ufologistoons for the Interstellar caricature of Natalina and Solomon! For those unable to download or stream the podcast, I've uploaded it to You Tube: