Special #4 - SEVRPOD meets Sharknado

The Marc and Ken Video Store Podcast show

Summary: It’s a phenomenon the likes of which hasn’t been seen since…well….the last phenomenon. It bombarded twitter with over a million tweets about it. It combines two things that no one else even thought to put together and yet it magically works somehow. It’s resurrected the careers of Ian Zierling and Tara Reid, both of which have come a long way since 90210 and American Pie, respectively. And it’s one of the most ridiculous, stupid amazing films you’ve ever seen. That’s right, it’s SHARKNADO! You didn’t think that a film event the scope of this would go by and SEVR would just sit idly by and not discuss it, did you? Nope, SEVRPOD is all over it with a special to end all specials as we go deep into the ocean and try not to get eaten by random flying sharks. The dynamic duo of Marc and Dave are back to do another special to undertake the daunting task of trying to make sense of things. The two men responsible for this film are the Oscar nominated team (just thinking ahead because now that this movie has been released upon the masses, it’s just a matter of time) of Anthony Ferrante and the furiously ironically named Thunder Levin. What they have given us is a gift of the absurd, a movie so unbelievably stupid that it succeeds because it embraces the ridiculousness of the whole thing and then goes the extra mile. Do you like sharks climbing ropes? Sharks leaping into helicopters? Chainsaws vs. sharks? Shotgun blasts to the fin? A character named Finn? Then this movie is for you. SEVRPOD goes into spoilerific detail as the entire movie is broken down, analyzed, and dissected for the hidden meaning (answer: the sharks represent society’s inability to cope with their own vulnerabilities. Or…er…..sharks like to ride in tornadoes and kill people. Either way). This episode is as hard hitting as a bar stool to the shark snout and as subtle as, well, a tornado with sharks in it. So stop reading this, ignore the giant tidal wave with a ton of sharks coming towards your home, and click on the episode because sharks are living creatures too. With teeth. An affinity for blood. And according to this movie, fine motor skills and the ability to jump, fly, and swallow people whole.