How to Sell the First 1,000 Copies of Your Book with Tim Grahl

Unmistakable Creative - Candid Conversations with Creative Entrepreneurs and Insanely Interesting People show

Summary: Tim Grahl is the mastermind behind the book launches of some very successful authors like Pamela Slim, Dan Pink, and the Heath Brothers. Needless to say he knows a thing or two about how to sell books. Here are some of the highlights from our chat: * Why Tim Made a 100% Shift in His Business After Several Years ( * A Look at the Social Web 10 Years Ago and Building a Presence * The Role That Email Marketing Plays in the Success of Authors * The Three Key Pieces of Building a Platform * Why Being Relentlessly Helpful to Your Audience is So Important * The Reason You Should Not Worry When People Unsubscribe * The Vocal Minority Who Complain About the Things You Sell * Narrowing Down Your Focus and Eliminating the Work You Hate * Developing a Process for Taking Risks in Your Business * One of the Most Critical Areas to Reinvest in Your Business * The Killer Blueprint for Taking Advantage of Your Time at a Conference * Why You Should Not Pitch People the Minute You Meet Them Tweetable Insights Include:  * If it's not illegal and immoral, I'll give it a try Tim Grahl ( works with authors to build their online platform to engage with their fans, build their community, and sell more books. You can follow him on twitter @timgrahl ( If you liked this article, would you share it with your friends? Just click here ( to post it to Twitter. Oh, and we’d be really grateful if you write us a review in iTunes. (