The Wake - Viewing Unforgivness God's Way, Part A

Walk in the Word Radio on show

Summary: Time heals nothing! You can't ignore an injury. You can't pretend the pain doesn't exist. When someone offends you or wrongs you, deal with it God's way and deal with it fast. Allowing unforgiveness to reside in your heart can crush you, shatter relationships, and hinder your walk with God. There's no time for that. When you follow Jesus Christ, forgiveness is not optional--it is essential. We have to view forgiveness God's way . . . unlimited and often completely undeserved. It is an act of the will as memorable as a funeral; grieve the loss, but then leave it behind you. If you think your hurt is too big to heal, Jesus words in Matthew 18 are clear and motivating -- forgive, and you will be forgiven.