RC 6 – Conferences

Teach Me To Code Podcast show

Summary: Download this episode Subscribe in iTunes Remember to leave feedback by calling 801-753-8279 or emailing podcast@railscoach.com. Conferences are a great way to learn and meet people. The conferences I've attended: Mountain West RubyConf RubyConf RailsConf Tips for getting the most out of conferences: Put away your distractions. Sit next to and meet people you don't know. Take the opportunity to meet with the "greats" in your community. Talk to people between sessions and find out what they're working on. Find open source projects to contribute to. Submit a proposal to speak. Ask people what worked and what didn't work for them to avoid the same problems. Take advantage of the conference energy to get things done. Collaborate or program with other developers. Talk to the speakers who cover a topic that interests you. Go to the meetups or Birds of a Feather meetings. Find community movements occuring outside the conference. Review the basics. Find a job or increase marketability. Conferences in the Ruby and Rails Community RailsConf RubyConf MountainWest RubyConf acts_as_conference Lone Star Ruby Conf Ruby Hoedown Windy City Rails GoGaRuCo Aloha on Rails