TMTC 46 – Evan Light

Teach Me To Code Podcast show

Summary: This week's podcast guest is Evan Light. I met Evan at the Ruby|Web Conference at Snowbird. He's responsible for Coulda and the Ruby DCamp. Evan recommended Get Clients Now!(TM): A 28-Day Marketing Program for Professionals, Consultants, and Coaches (affiliate link) for marketing as a freelancer. We talked about organizing a conference and what it takes. He also had some great suggestions for people thinking about switching to freelance. I also found his discussion of why he wrote Coulda very interesting. It inspires me to think that if I want something different, I can create it. If you're looking for a way to increase readability of your code, look at flog or metric_fu. Jake Scruggs' talk at Lone Star Ruby Conference 2008 Next month I'll be teaching a Basic Ruby on Rails course. Go check it out and sign up. Download this Episode