080 TMTC Heather Payne

Teach Me To Code Podcast show

Summary: We are joined by Heather Payne, founder of <a href="http://ladieslearningcode.com/" target="_blank">Ladies Learning Code</a>, a [a women-run not-for-profit group working to empower everyone to feel comfortable learning beginner-friendly technical skills in a social, collaborative way.] (from <a href="http://ladieslearningcode.com/" target="_blank">ladieslearningcode.com</a>) Discussion <a href="http://ladieslearningcode.com/events/" target="_blank">Ladies Learning Code events</a> workshops have a 4:1 ratio of students to instructors it is more difficult to build web apps than simple websites <a href="http://pyladies.com/" target="_blank">PyLadies workshops</a> workshops are open to all, men and women Ladies Learning Code would like to know: Have you transitioned from the workshop to development work? JavaScript HTML/CSS Ruby Wordpress theme development Mobile Web Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign Reception has been positive This is an intensive 8-9 hour process Workshops make it clear that women are welcome Assumptions of women's involvement in tech projects tend to be more toward marketing/social media, and not development Job description language should become more gender neutral There is a demand for developers Is foul language and naming conventions in some libraries off-putting or offensive for women? Parents make assumptions on their children's interests based on sex, this contributes to less interest in technology later on "It's cool to act dumb in math and science class" <a href="http://www.eventbrite.com/googlemap?eid=2757548903" target="_blank">Mozilla Community Space</a> Build interest in technology when people are younger <a href="http://www.kickstarter.com/" target="_blank">Kickstarter</a> <a href="http://mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/Default.aspx" target="_blank">LEGO Mindstorms</a> <a href="http://scratch.mit.edu/" target="_blank">Scratch</a> <a href="http://hackety.com/" target="_blank">Hackety Hack</a> <a href="http://hackasaurus.org/en-US/" target="_blank">Hackasaurus</a> <a href="http://www.hivelearningnetwork.org/" target="_blank">HIVE Learning Network</a> <a href="http://hopscotchkits.com/" target="_blank">HopScotchKits.com</a> <a href="http://codenow.org/" target="_blank">CodeNow</a> <a href="http://kidsruby.com/" target="_blank">KidsRuby</a> <a href="http://kidsruby.com/" target="_blank">CodeAcademy</a> You're more qualified than you think you are eMail list <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/llcodedotcom" target="_blank">Ladies Learning Code on Twitter</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/heatherpayne" target="_blank">Heater Payne on Twitter</a> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/ladieslearningcode" target="_blank">Ladies Learning Code on Facebook</a>