Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 135: Personal Progress

Warrior Mind Podcast show

Summary: This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on Mental Strength Tip #96: Progress and Personal Success. The purpose to this Warrior Mind Podcast is to make sure you understand the difference between average thinking and mental strength thinking about making consistent personal progress and its impact on your personal success. The averages person’s fear of personal progress is rooted in the belief that they won’t be able to successfully adapt to the new environment that the progress brings. Since the average persons’ thinking in rooted in fear, they simply attach this same fear to any kind of change or progress, whether it’s personally or professionally. Enjoy the podcast below: Individuals who push for personal progress automatically transcend the fear of change. This adds another link in their mental strength chain, which they use everyday. “There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.” Ronald Reagan To help develop your personal progress today by pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior”. This is a fantastic e-book that helps you with your personal development, self-improvement and personal power.  You’ll learn to take back control of your thoughts, develop success awareness and helps you tap into the powers of your unconsciousness mind to create the mental strength to succeed at anything!