008: Clients in the Cloud

Command Control Power show

Summary: - pros and cons of cloud-based solutions - clients don't understand the cloud - storage issues with people moving to flash storage with limited space (e.g., MacBook Air with 64/128 GB) - backing up locally vs. to the cloud - Mail Service on Mac OS X Server; backup and restoration considerations - Kerio Connect and Microsoft Exchange; built-in backup and restore options - private cloud services - DropBox security considerations, and secure alternatives - get comfortable with saying "no" by repeating it to yourself - charging for the discovery process and protecting yourself when writing a proposal; offering a free introductory hour - clients stumbling on support from rogue third-party companies when trying to find first-party support - clients accidentally moving the Microsoft User Data folder or iPhoto database; iPhoto used to allow iPhoto Library to be in the Trash! - Time Machine does not back up the Trash, but some clients store data there - question from the audience: "What part of your job, as an Apple consultant, do you enjoy most?"