Got Fruit? Susan O'Reilly, Nov 13, 2011

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Galatians 5:22-26 (Msg & Amp) - the Holy Spirit is here to cause things to happen in our lives that bring us more in tune to God's purposes on earth - the change in our character and way of life produces the fruit of the Holy Sprit - abundant spiritual fruit also breeds hope and is well worth celebrating - everyone wins with good fruit (Matt 7:17-20) Saul - 1st king of Israel - insecure - he was hiding out when Samuel announced that he was being anointed king (1 Sam 10:22) - insecurity makes everything small - insecure people are threatened by secure people - insecurity also breeds immaturity - insecurity brings control, security brings freedom - disobedient (1 Sam. 13:8-13) - disobedience will keep us from our destiny - offended (1 Sam. 19:9-10) - when we walk in offense agains someone, it's as if we put on glasses and can only see them through our offense David - 2nd king of Israel - secure - his security was not in what he had or what he could do - David's security is identified in the Psalms. The Lord is my rock, my refuge, my deliverer, my fortress. He talks about exalting the Lord continually. - fighting Goliath - he knew the battle belonged to the Lord (1 Sam. 17:17, 33-34) - security is confident, it brings freedom and maturity - obedient - David acknowledges Saul as king and he will not touch him (1 Sam. 24:1-11) - forgiveness - David walks in mercy toward Saul (Ps. 86:5) - Our fruit is for others. It brings nourishment, blessing to those in our world. It feeds others. (John 15:1-3)