Were There Not Ten? Nov 27, 2011

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Luke 17:11-19 - ingratitude can be the source of many of our problems today - lepers were an outcast of society - Charles Brown gave some possible reasons why the nine did not give thanks: *One waited to see if the cure was real *One waited to see if it would last *One said he would see Jesus later *One decided that he had never had leprosy *One said that he would have gotten well anyway *One gave the glory to the priests *One said, “Any rabbi could have done it” *One said, I was already much improved - things that will help us not slip into ingratitude: 1. notice the leper's condition 2. notice the leper's cry - Rom. 5:6 - like lepers, we are helpless to stop our destruction in sin and cry out to Jesus for mercy - grace is getting what you don't deserve...mercy is not getting what you deserve - the leper's only hope was Jesus - the same is for us as sinners 3. notice one leper's celebration a. note the perception of gratitude - note how blessed we already are. The leper noticed that he was cleansed - do we really percieve what God has blessed us with? - an ungrateful Christians is a defeated CHristian because they 've lost their joy b. note the priority of gratitude - the leper immediately turned around and ran back to give thanks c. note the perfection of gratitude - v.15, in a loud voice - wholeness comes when gratitude is made to perfection and maturity and made a priority - he glorified God above all else