Giving Account, Part 3, Jan 15, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Romans 14: 1-12 - everything I have is on load from God and I will give an account of how I've managed it. - secret of contentment - Eccl. 6:9, Phil.4:12 - by nature, we tend to be discontent 4 Steps to Contentment: 1. Stop comparing yourself to others (2 Cor. 10:12) - we all have designer genes and we're all unique - America's favorite sport is comparison - Principles of contentment: I must learn to admire without having to acquire. I don't have to own it in order to enjoy it (Ex. 20:17) - coveting is the uncontrolled desire to acquire - if you own something you can't let go of, it actually owns you - bring our desires under control of the Holy Spirit 2. Enjoy what you have (Eccl. 5:19) - God enjoys watching us enjoy what He's given us - what do I have now that I'm not enjoying? - get rid of "when and then" thinking (when this happens, then I'll be happy) - it doesn't cost anything to be happy - two ways to have enough: work more and want less (1 Tim. 6:17-19) - ways to be wealthy and not materialistic: - don't become proud of your wealth - don't put your hope in money - use it to do good - share it with others - giving is an antidote to materialism - tithing is the starting point of honoring God in our giving and begins to break the grip of materialism on my life 3. Remember life is not about things - the greatest things in life are not things 4. Focus on what whill last forever - (2 Cor. 4:18) - truth: I can't have it all and I don't need it all to be happy - my satisfaction is not in what I have, but Whose I am and Who I belong to (Ps. 17:15)