The House That Love Built, Apr 29, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Col. 3:12-14 - as Christians, we have no choice but to put on love and forgiveness - 1 John 3:16, John 15:11-17 - God's taking us to a place of maturity - Jesus left us with two commands: love God, love people - Gal. 5:22-23 - it's not always easy to love people but God has called us to do just that. - How do we love? - listening - actively listening - helping - helping people is often not convenient but worth it - encouraging - put courage in people - giving - of our time, talent, and treasures - God puts people in our world that need us and our encouragement, and often times is the more difficult people to deal with. - 1 Cor. 13:1-13 - love and acceptance are the two most important needs of every person. - the gift of love: bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails - it is eternal. - Phil.2:1-4 - be God-centered - not self-centered - John 14:23 - when people excel, we cheer - when people rejoice, we rejoice - when people prosper - we smile and applaud - when people hurt - we hurt - when people cry - we cry - 10 ways to love: 1. be patient 2. verbalize love often 3. smile 4. forgive easily - keep short accounts with people - don't maniputlate people 5. express love - through cards and letters 6. protect and nurture what is important - spouse, family, etc. 7. laugh often 8. live to give 9. when you learn - teach. Share your life with others 10. celebrate