Great Conditions of the Great Commission, May 6, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: John 20:18-23 Great Conditions of the Great Commission 1. experience the living Christ (v.18) - have you had an encounter with the living Jesus Christ? - Rom. 10:9, John 11:21-27 - no matter what is currently happening to you, if you can hold on to a living Redeemer, a living Jesus, everything can change from right there and He will begin to reconstruct your entire life from there. Hold on to a living Christ. 2. experience the peace of Christ (v.19) - Phil. 4:6-7, Rom. 15:13 3. experience the cross of Christ (v.20) - look to the cross of Christ - the old hymn "When I Survey The Wonderous Cross" 4. experience the joy of Christ (v.20) - the joy that drives out discouragement - Gal. 5:22-23 - have you let the fruit of the Spirit just take over you? The joy of the Lord is my strength. 5. experience the commission of Christ (v.21) - we're being sent in the love of Jesus Christ - no matter what your resources, if you will align with God's big purpose to see His Son exalted to the ends of the earth, and if you will volunteer for that assignment, all of the resources of heaven will begin to line up in back of you. - we've got a lot more authority than we're walking in and we need to believe God for great, great things. - Rom. 15:13