Change, Dr. Terry Crist, July 8, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: <p>- the challenge of accepting change when change just doesn't feel natural<br>- <a href=";version=NLT">Matt 9:14-17</a> - Jesus challenged the people of the time to change, but they resisted<br>- <a href=";version=NLT">Matt. 21:23</a> - the people challenged Jesus' authority to make change<br>- the hope of our future generations rests on our ability to become agents of change in our world<br>- change for the sake of following Jesus<br>1. Change is emotional (<a href=";version=NLT">Matt. 9:15</a>)<br>  - there's nothing like change to stir up the emotions of people and get their attention<br>  - God uses change to awaken us to new opportunities in life<br>  - sometimes it takes discipline to handle the change in our life<br>2. Change is personal (<a href=";version=NLT">Matt. 9:16</a>)<br>  - clothing is personal<br>  - change leads to transformation<br>  - change changes us<br>  - change can be powerful if we find Jesus in teh change<br>  - to resist change is to resist growth<br>3. Change is inevitable (<a href=";version=NIV">Isa. 42:8-9</a>)<br>  - before change comes, God reminds me who Hes is and conditions me for the change<br>- Three essential attitudes:<br>  1. blessed are the flexible for they shall not break<br>  2. blessed are the forgetful for they will not get stuck (<a href=";version=NIV">Phil. 3:13-14</a>)<br>  3. blessed are the faithful for they will be rewarded (<a href=";version=NIV">Prov. 28:20</a>)<br>  - there is a harvest coming<br>- follow Jesus through change and He will provide the harvest<br>- don't be afraid to move the couch because new realities rarely fit old constraints</p>