Stewarding the Miracle Seed, Robert D., Aug 12, 2012

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Luke 8:4-8, Mark 4:13 - parable of the seeds as a foundational parable - if someone prays and you don't get healed instantly, you can easily feel disappointed, discouraged, or like something wasn't right. But that's not the case, you were given a healing seed. - if we do not have eyes in the spirit to see what God has given us, then we will not be able to steward what He has given us. - Wthat does a seed need to bear fruit? - needs to be recognized as a seed and sown into the soil - needs nourishment - needs protection - Luke 8:11-15 - the Word of God is the promises of God and the power of God - you need to protect the seed God plants in you and you need to protect it. - v.12 - the Greek word for "saved" means "forgiveness of sin, healing, deliverance, wholeness, prosperity, and protection" - v.13 these people lack patcience - v.14 they lose focus, and don't act on what they've received - v.15 "keep" means "seize" - if you don't get healed immediately, it's so easy to doubt, complain and have self-pity that binds you to your illness - How to persevere in faith: - call God your God (Ps. 18:1-3, Ps. 27:1, Ps. 91:9-10, 2 Cor. 4:13) - speak to the mountain (Mark 11:23) - in faith thanking God (1 Cor. 15:57) - even when you're still ill - confessing God's Word (Isa. 57:19)