Coping with Infertility Grief After Adopting

Creating a Family: Talk about Infertility and Adoption show

Summary: We tell people to work through their grief at not having a biological child or being pregnant or breastfeeding BEFORE they adopt. The reality is that sometimes after adopting a baby adoptive parents still crave the experience of pregnancy and still feel sad at not having a genetic connection to their child. Host, Dawn Davenport , will interview Carole Lieber Wilkins, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in the field of reproductive medicine, adoption and family building options since 1986. She is known for helping patients transition to non-genetic forms of family building, such as donor conception or adoption. Having created her family through adoption and ovum donation, Carole brings a wealth of personal as well as professional experience to her work. adoption, addoption, adopting a child, adopting a US child, adopting a baby, baby adoption, international adoption,  adopt US kids, adopt child, adopt a baby, infant adoption, looking to adopt, kids up for adoption, babies adoption, adopting child, foster care adoption, adopting from foster care, fostercare Blog summary of the show and highlights can be found here:   Blog summary of the show   Highlights   More Creating a Family resources on adoption after infertility can be found here.