2012 Round Up – 2013 Plans

Blog - Joseph Clough show

Summary: As the year 2012 closes upon us, I always make time to reflect on my achievements, learn from the things which may not of worked out (yet) and realign myself to new outcomes for 2013. I always suggest doing the same, remember I said learn from the things that didn’t work out, learning’s will help us grow, be safer and evolve as a person. We might not of done everything right or how we wanted to be, but that doesn’t matter and we shouldn’t dwell on such things, on the contrary we should reflect upon them in a learning mindset. ‘What can I learn from this, that once learnt will allow me to be more, do more and love more?’ So each year I do this, I do it privately and do not share such things, but more and more in recent years I have always been open about many things, I am human, I make mistakes, I have challenges and I am always learning. And this year I would like to invite you (should you desire) to take a look at my learning’s, achievements and goals for 2013. It might give you an idea of what you can do, maybe, just maybe inspire you, take what you will and remember all my achievements that I have made are not to impress, I have no need for that, I love myself enough to just be at peace of who I am and the effort I put in, so see it as an example of how you may take 2013. So lets begin. My Achievements and learning’s of 2012: Book: I managed to get my very first book deal and get my book published with Hay House, I am very proud of this having got almost zero qualifications and a D grade at GCSE level at school and dropped out of college. It was hard work, I had to be inventive as my writing is not so good, so I verbally recorded it and then transcribed it (there is always a way to do something). It has been reviewed very well on Amazon with over fifty 5 star reviews. Learning: Despite our past, despite what we may have been labeled with, there is always a way, it might not be easy, but that’s just a challenge to overcome. Podcast: Just this month I reached 1,000,000 total downloads, now over 100,000 downloads a month, that blows my mind, with over 50 hours of free self-development and hypnosis audios. I started out with just wanting to get my thoughts out of my mind and it just grow organically where at least 80% of my time is dedicated to my free work. I joke that ‘what if I had £1 for each download?’ But really I love sharing and I would not swap £1,000,000 if it meant people would not got help. And the feedback blows my mind; it makes my year more than any of my achievements to date. Learning: I have received some negative feedback from ‘those in the industry’ for doing this, and even my family have questioned and disagreed with this, that I should be charging and making money from this quality audio. But the learning is, do what you love, go big picture, it will come through if you take action upon your desires, and remain true to your values despite what others may say or try to persuade you on the contrary Confidence: Took time out and recorded my free 11 lesson (over 8 hours in length) confidence programme available on my iPhone and Android Apps, podcast and website. The feedback has been awesome, from people who were close to the edge and now living with love for life again – cannot beat that. Learning: I’m always searching for more ways of helping, thinking and creating. Think outside the box, consider ‘what else can I do?, how can I pay it forward? Share and contribute to the world?’ We can help so many if we just Pay It Forward and do things for the love of helping others. Time: This by far has been my joint sticking point for a long time (second one to follow). Achieving the above, has meant that I have neglected my time, I’m happy to say that I work harder than 99% of people I know, its meant the longest days, working sometimes this year 20-30 days straight having a weekend or day off (well not a full day or weekend off, but almost) and then doing it again.