The Sacred Beauty Rituals Of The Self Hating Black Woman!

LanceScurv show

Summary: But the things that my sisters do to themselves in the name of beauty can sometimes border not only on the absurd but qualify some of them to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame for Buffoonery! Although it all started all over again earlier this month with the negative comments made on 16 year old Gold Medal winning Olympic Gymnast Gabby Douglas hairstyle on the various social media networks like Twitter and Facebook by mostly African American women who felt that her hair looked terrible, this has been an ongoing issue in the Black community as far as what looks good in the standard of beauty. The comments on the beautiful and talented Gabby Douglas' hair only shows that too many Black women are caught up in something that is really irrelevent when it comes to the character traits of the heart. There is no other race of people on the face of the earth whose women are hellbent on changing the natural beauty that they were born with. What is at the root of this perpetual unhappiness with the way they look? Why is it that the so called beauty rituals that Black women put themselves through are so timely and so costly for something that is so temporary? What is driving this addiction? Why is it that a haircare industry that is owned by other races of people yet doesn't benefit us one iota makes billions of dollars off of the Black woman yet it is those same communities that are suffering from poverty, lack of proper healthcare, unemployment, illiteracy, teen pregnancy, crime, incarceration and homelessness? Wouldnt Black women be better off saving the overwhelming amount of money spent of the frivolous endeavors spent on doing their nails, straightening, coloring and applying their weaves and doing the ultimate form of self hate in bleaching their skin with these dangerous over the counter chemicals to lighten their skin?