Hoodrat Baby Mommas: Misled Angel Or Mindless Breeder?

LanceScurv show

Summary: Baby Mommas are a common fixture in today's society and a universally accepted lifestyle category across the board. soon you will see "Baby Momma" on most applications or forms right up there with Married, Single or Widowed. Now don't get me wrong, they have ALWAYS been women who have had their children out of wedlock and tried to carry themselves in a dignified manner after the fact. The truth of the matter is that it was here business to do so but society STILL gave a side eye to any woman who did and she knew it but no one really "went there." Black folks especially can be so two faced when these issues arise in a discussion, so many of our women are not only having their children out of wedlock and suffering the consequences for doing so as many have used a man merely as a sperm donor but now this thing called "Baby momma" has taken things to an all time low! Why is it that the stereotypical so called Baby Momma feels as though she has accomplished something after she had a child from some knucklehead who orgasmed up inside of her and never had any intentions of even staying with her? Why is it that these women who breed so easily with whoever they were "Talking To" at the moment and then get major attitudes with everyone after they've felt the weight of raising their children all alone and can't get to the club like they used to which got them in trouble in the first place? What made them think that after living a few hedonistic years in a wonton carefree manner without any thought of improving their education or increasing their chances to be their best that they would have ANY chance of making it without the soon to be canceled government handouts that have robbed them further of any will to be self sufficient and independent?