Does The LGBT Agenda Seek To Banish All Things Traditional?

LanceScurv show

Summary: This is a topic of concern that many have wanted an answer for yet didn't really know how to put into words without being misunderstood. While we all know that there is no one official LGBT or Homosexual Agenda, as there are just as many factions and variables to that umbrella community as there are in any other, the feeling amongst many who support the more traditional ideals and concepts of community feel that they are being marginalized in the very same manner that those living the LGBT lifestyle preference have voiced for many decades. One of the most recent and very public manifestations of this concern was the very scathing and divisive statement from Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz, when he stated to a Starbucks shareholder during their Annual Shareholders meeting this year was that "If you support traditional marriage then we don't want your business!" It was unbelievable to me to hear someone who has so much reach and influence in the business world spew such an inconsiderate statement that seemed to be driven by an influence beyond his usual passions for all things inclusive. Was his arm being twisted to make a statement such as this? Not only that but where were the cries from the LGBT community against what Mr. Shultz said because if any one community knows the feeling of being shut out it's the LGBT community and in this case they should be the first to speak out and denounce Mr. Shultz words! No maybe I'm wrong about this and I am sure there are some in that lifestyle that don't feel that what he said was right but what I'm getting at is with such availability to so much information these days online why is it that one could hear a pin drop on this issue? Is there REALLY a Gay Mafia?