The Real Reasons Why Straight Men Don't Want Marriage!

LanceScurv show

Summary: Much to the surprise of many marriage minded and available women these days, the amount of men who shun marriage are a growing faction who very existence make an already negative situation even gloomier. For some, they would swear up and down that it's the opposite. So I guess it depends on who one speaks to on this matter, but for the most part, a shift is transpiring in the dating scene and no matter WHO you are, you HAVE to admit that things are JUST not the same! First of all in this modern society that we live in, the institution of marriage to many men is more of a financial risk that about two people being together forever in love. Many potential marriage partners have trashed the idea of ever getting married out of the fear of losing everything that they've worked for to an unbalanced court system that appears to be hellbent or demonizing all things male. Yes, these types will pass on the marriage vows, too risky! So why commit when living the single life is so much easier? Many have come into this mindset after dealing with the money hungry biological clock ticking anxious females who have an agenda all their own where the man is merely an interchangeable component in THEIR world. With this kind of assembly line thinking in the romance department, what's a man supposed to do? Another overlooked point is that many men fear the fact that one woman will have so much control over their sex life. As rotten as it may seem this is a concern because many time we have seen a friend stuck in a marriage where he is not being satisfied physically. So as you can see, there are some very real concerns out here on the dating landscape on both sides and I look forward to all of us speaking and sharing our views in yet another wonderful evening of adult conversation where we all can come away from the experience even more enlightened and knowledgeable with some of our own questions answered.