Just Show Up, Guest Speaker Kenny Rigsby, July 14, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: For the Silent ministry: - human trafficking is modern day slave trading. There are three times as many slaves today than there were at the height of the trans-atlantic slave industry - there's 2 forms of human trafficking - labor trafficking and sex trafficking - 2 children per minute are trafficked for sexual exploitation around the world and it happens right here in America - not just in other countries. The average age of a child to be sold into slavery is 13. - ministries of For the Silent - whatchmen project - their outreach program - burning bush - worship program nights - church trainings - "I have a voice" prevention and empowerment program - a 10 week program for girls getting out of juvenile detention - word for today is " Just Show Up" - just show up to His presence (Exodus 3) showing up to God's presence every day. - just show up to the battlefield (1 Sam. 13-14) God caused panic to ensue in the Philistine army after Jonathan and his armor bearer went forward and killed 20 men.