Andy Griffith Show, Sci-Fi Movies and TV Programs, and More

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site's 30th program presents Ian Rose talking about 1950's Science Fiction programs and movies. Ian tells us about many of the TV Sci-Fi programs that are still remembered such as "Science Fiction Theater", "Captain Video", and "The Twilight Zone". Ian talks about movies that related to the nuclear threat of that time period. Giant ants, grasshoppers, and Gila monsters were featured. Other movies, such as "Destination Moon", "The War of the Worlds", and "Forbidden Planet" are recalled. Smitty, Mike, and Ian talk about the Sci-Fi sound effects that we remember. Learn how a saw, and a battery were used for sound effects. We also remember the Theremin, also used for those eerie sound effects. Mike tells us about the 50th anniversary of the debut of "The Andy Griffith Show". Mike recalls the easy-going Sheriff Andy Taylor and the other denizens of Mayberry, North Carolina; Barney Fife, Opie, Aunt Bea, Goober and Gomer, and the others who made this such a memorable program. The writing and situations could be funny, but there was a lot of depth and character in the stories, reflecting a simpler more gentler time. Mike offers a great overview of this fondly remembered series. Our Retro-Commercial is a spacey Gleem Toothpaste commercial. Listen in to Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!