TV/Radio Coverage on Nov. 22, 1963

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: Smitty recalls the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Smitty looks at the way that radio and television delivered the terrible news, Radio's speed was of great benefit while television coverage was hampered by the fact that TV at that time was still a stationary medium. Some remote switches were plagued with technical troubles that day, and the fact that events were moving rapidly, and that the shooting happened so suddenly caught TV broadcasters by surprise. In spite of technical troubles, radio and TV delivered the news to an anxious public. From the first bulletins and for the next three days, radio and TV devoted their coverage to the sad events in Texas. Mike and Ian remember their impressions from that day, and recall the reactions of people around them. In another segment, Ian Rose remembers recent celebrities that have passed away. Such stars as Barbara Billingsley, Tom Bosley, Jill Clayburgh, James MacArthur and others are remembered. Smitty tell us about one of our listeners in the Chicago area who needs assistance with a recording project. Maybe you can help...listen in! Our Retro-Commercial is a Nescafe Instant Coffee commercial. Join us on this edition of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!