First Baby Boomers Turn 65 This Year, and, Victory at Sea

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: The first of the Baby Boomers will turn 65 this year. Ian Rose outlines major events between 1946 and 1964, the years encompassing birth years for Baby Boomers. As a Boomer himself, Ian gives us his perspective on those years: what we went through, and what we thought we would go through. How the people that went through The Depression and World War II, now faced a new world as parents of the Baby Boomer generations. And the question is asked, "How would people today handle the crises that the 'Greatest Generation' endured?" Thought provoking comments by Mike, Smitty, and Ian are shared. Mike talks to us about commercialization of World War II film and government film on television. Specifically, the story of the classic TV series "Victory at Sea" is remembered. How this classic series came about with the union of television, WW II naval footage, and a majestic musical score by Richard Rogers. The war film that no one thought would be useful for much of anything, became the subject of this great documentary series. Our Retro-Commercial is a fun Wildroot hair tonic advertisement. Join us on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!