Japanese Tin Toys of the 1950s, H.G. Wells Movies, and More!

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: This edition of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site features a discussion on early Japanese Tin Toys. Mike talks to us about some of these toys that were made after World War II and well into the 60s. Mike is a toy collector and brings his knowledge of the world of toy collecting to us. He tells us what to look for if you find a toy that may be an early tin type. This story also has to do with recycling and outsourcing. How did this relate? Listen to the show and find out! Ian Rose compares two legendary Science Fiction writers: Jules Verne and H. G. Wells. Ian tells us about both men's literary works. Many of their works are set in the future. Both men wrote stories about trips to the moon. Ian recalls Verne's "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", and the classic Disney motion picture of the same name. And Wells'"War of the Worlds", also a classic motion picture, and the story upon which the famous "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast of 1938, produced by Orson Welles, was based. Our Retro-Commercial is a classic Chuck Wagon Dog Food commercial. Join us on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!